Part 111: Six years and you still haven't changed at all.
-A Lurking Shadow in the Wilderness-
Royal Army Officer: Here they come. HOWITZERS! Load and aim!
Royal Army Officer: All squads, FORWARD! Do not let a single one of these things into the city! FOR THE QUEEN! FOR LIBERL!

The army's detachment has already begun its defensive plan here. They were entirely prepared for this, so I do not believe guild support will be necessary.


You're heading for Carnelia Tower next? Very good.

I wish you the best. Good luck. *click*

...As bad at hiding things as ever, I see.

Six years and you still haven't changed at all.

Well, then. It appears I have some work to do, in that case.
-Tetracyclic Tower-

The tower's peak is still shrouded by that strange barrier.

Just like the Esmelas Tower.

It's quite likely that the inside of the tower will be strange again.

Oh, Zane!

What was Kilika contacting us about?

She wanted to know how things were up here.

I told her about everything that happened at Esmelas Tower.

Oh, okay.

I'm guessing you didn't mention our suspect for this tower.

Well...anyway, shall we hurry and get inside?
Zane and Kloe seem to get grouped up an awful lot. You guys better not be shipping.

Never fear, though. Every one of those men has sworn on the honor of the Royal Army to defend the city to their last breath. The best thing you can do to help now is to investigate the tower as quickly as possible.
Helmsman Lux: So this tower's top is engulfed in those black barriers too. Seriously, what the heck are those things?
Sensor Operator Echo: The professor's looking into it. Still no answer, though. Getting close would be dangerous.
Helmsman Lux: Oh, I agree. I'm keeping our distance.
Comm. Officer Leon: Sounds like there's some terrible fighting still going on in Zeiss...If we hear anything new, I'll let you know the second it comes in.
Royal Guardsman: The Zeiss Guard is managing to keep it together, though...somehow. I'm sure if the worst happens, there'll be reinforcements from Leiston.

Tita! Why're you out on the deck?

I heard Zeiss had been attacked...I was just wondering if, um, if everyone was okay.

I...I see...

They'll be fine, don't worry. Zeiss is located near Leiston Fortress and their garrison isn't exactly small. Kilika's at the guild, too. She'll get involved if things get really serious, I'm sure.

That's a good point, actually. Thinking that Kilika's there makes ME feel better.

Heehee, me, too.

Yeah, I actually feel a little better now!

If we can take control of the towers, the enemy should back off from the cities. Their activities in the cities are likely little more than a diversion from the towers.

In other words, we've got no time to waste!

Exactly. We'd best get going.

Yes, you're right. See you later, Tita.

Okay. Be careful, everyone!
Ship's Cook Casey: I'd love to get her a drink, but she's on standby before a mission, it seems. Even a bit of alcohol can impair your I'll hold off for now. Alcohol can make you feel like you're on top of the world, sure, but it also impairs your judgment. There's one simple conclusion you can draw from this, mind. It's our ability to judge and understand the world that causes unhappiness! Still, don't know if I'd give it up...
Ray: From what I've heard, Zeiss has it rough right now. Looks like the fruits of my research are going to be needed pretty soon. I'll need to really put myself into it!

*sigh* Now I have no one to drink with.

Haha, sorry! I'll be glad to join you once I get back.

I know we aren't quite in 'super-crisis oh, Goddess, we're all gonna die' mode yet, but...Schera? Please don't drink TOO much. We might need you for something, after all.

Hmm-hmm! Don't worry about me. ♥ I'm hardly going to get drunk on just wine.

That's...nnnnot really what I meant...

Why do I feel as though we're having two different conversations...?

We couldn't lay a finger on him back in Zeiss.

Well, with you around it might be a bit easier.

Do not put too much faith in me. I won't know if I will be of any help until I meet him in battle. If you want to see, Agate, why not come along?

Heh, good point. I'll be ready. You need me, just say the word.


We'll be counting on you.

Hi, Professor.

Did you want us for something?

We found something quite interesting in our analysis of the data crystal.

Really? Like what?

Well, we've verified that ancient orbments used quartz, or something similar enough, at any rate.

And with the data from the crystal, we've found a way to put those ancient quartz into modern orbments!

Seriously? Holy crap!

Heh heh! Remember who you're speaking to!

...There's one problem, though. The slots on your orbments, as designed, won't be able to take the quartz. You'll need to modify the slots further...A 'level 3' upgrade, if you will.

So what you're saying is...We can now upgrade our orbments even further?

Exactly so! I've told Payton what kind of modifications need to be made, so talk to him when you're ready. And if you find any quartz like that in 'the wild,' give it a try.

Yeah, you bet!

We'll definitely make use of that.

I'm going to keep puttering around here. Good luck investigating that tower!
That conversation is perfectly timed to make you freak out about missing some sort of uber-quartz back in Esmelas Tower, but you didn't. So don't. And you can put your arm down, Guardsman.
Royal Guardsman: What kind of madman does it take to do that? The old man sure is gutsy...
Clive: It isn't just theory that'll make this work, it'll take engineering skill too! That's why I was called up. I have a lot of experience as an orbal electrician.

I just got all those data crystals you brought me into Capel. Now we just need to wait for Capel to finish analyzing them.


Do you know how long it will take? will depend greatly on the damage to each crystal. I'd really be guessing. In the worst case, it could be a several-day wait, so for now, try to be patient, hmm?


No point in worrying about it, then, I guess.

If you find any more crystals, bring them to me. I'll get them set into Capel and begin analyzing them immediately.
Mechanic Payton: I'm ready to do them whenever you are! It'll massively increase the EP charge your orbments can hold, too, so I really recommend doing it. The professor seems busy with his research. I took a look at the blueprints for what the professor is working on...Unfortunately, I couldn't understand any of it. Cutting-edge research really is mind-blowing, sometimes.
For now, I'll stick with two or three upgrades on everybody as they get rotated in.

We STILL don't know what the society's tryin' to do, but something stinks.

Well, at times like this the best we can do is help each other out! I'll be on standby. If you need me, just come ask.

It looks like the front lines remain unbroken, for now.

I see...That's a relief.

We should hurry our investigation of the tower. The attacks on Zeiss are likely mere diversions.

Yes. The tower is definitely their main goal. We should focus our efforts on defeating the Enforcers.

Right, then.
Faye: Ready to head down to Carnelia Tower?
Faye: Right, then! Just jump on the plate and you'll be off.

Is this going to connect to that weird place too?

Terrible as they are, I cannot help but think the 'shadow' towers are the true forms of the towers...

Yes...I think that's all but certain.

No matter what it is, I doubt our task will be straightforward. Stay alert, everyone.